
Showing posts from January, 2019

Y.M. Chemonges Kingoo of Sebei

Y.M. Chemonges Kingoo of Sebei In your remembrance 51 years today(On date of Posting January 25 2017). No day goes by without your family thinking of you. Your legacy lives on. Posthumously recognized and celebrated as a Hero on 09.10.2015 by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, The President of The Republic of Uganda. I usually say I'm not the jealous type, but there's one thing I'm jealous of, people who have grown up or met they grandfather's. 51 years ago The Kingoo of sebei left this world. His job and assignment were complete. The sebei people lost a leader, a lion among men. The Chemonges family lost their father, brother, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfath er. My one wish on the planet would have been to meet my grandfather. He is the pillar that holds us together. The values I pass my children came from his values. While i might desire to see you in the physical sense, I know you are with us spiritually in every step we take. No day goes by without...


A Must Read Story! . Many times a hungry crying child was told to hush and go to sleep because father or mother were coming with food and the exhausted child will fall asleep while in believe that truly, papa and mom were returning with food and gnaws of hunger will disappear. But some have waited invain without knowing that their parents had gone to a thieving mission which quarantees no safe return. . It was one morning in the month of May 1993 when I went to inspect my maize farm along the road in Ng'erep area at Chepkurkur. I had a thousand problems concerning that maize farm. I had planted those maize earlier and by the month of May, I was the only person with ripen maize and all eyes in the village and beyond were on me. Some neighbours came to borrow and others didn't mind to seek my permission but went a head and helped themselves. Dogs and wild animal too ravaged the the farm. So when I was walking towards the farm, I was vowing not to repeat that mistake again....

The Sabaot

The Sabaot tribe is one of the nine sub-tribes of the Kalenjin tribe. The other eight tribes are: Sengwer, Tugen, Terik, Keiyo, Kipsigis, Pokot, Marakwet and Nandi who live in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. The Sabaots are the authentic Kalenjin tribe commonly referred as "Kapkugo" by the other Kalenjin sub-tribes. Sabaot tribe is comprised of six sub-dialects namely: The Pok, somek, Mosop, Kony, Bong'omek and Sabiny(Sebei). The Sabaot community has been subdivided into smaller segments who live in diverse regions due to factors such as British colonization, migration and political influence by dominant neighboring communities, tribes and governments. Cherop Mark, Sebei Nation


“The process begins with dancing. The initiate goes around inviting his relatives and friends to attend the ceremony. Until the last day that is called the eve of the circumcision. That's when some rituals are done and in the morning the cutting is done.” The Sebei did not have a traditional cutter of their own until the mid-1980s; instead they asked Bagisu cutters to perform the procedure. However, in the last 20 years, the Sebei trained their cutters by shadowing those of the Bagisu group. -Mark

About the Sebei(Sapiny)

The Sebei or Sabiny (Sapiny) are people of Kalenjin stock living on the Uganda side of Mt Elgon. They are estimated to number 230000 and speak a Kalenjin dialect known as Kubsapiny. The Sabiny, like the rest of the Kalenjin, circumcise teenage boys as a rite of passage. About three-quarters of the population lives on the escarpment, an area that was originally characterized by thick forests, fast flowing rivers, including the well-known Sipi River with its three falls. Much of the land has now been cleared for agricultural production, resulting in a change in rainfall pattern and warmer temperatures than was previously the case. The change in temperatures has also resulted in increased incidences of malaria cases. The Sebei are by tradition pastoralists, keeping cattle, goats and sheep but this occupation has today been seriously circumscribed because there is not much land on which to keep large stocks of animals. Other problems that have hindered livestock rearing are constant ...