
Showing posts from April, 2019


The Kalenjin tribe belongs to the Nilotic ethnic group called highland Nilotes which consists of the following sub-tribes spread throughout East Africa; • Kipsigis • Nandi • Keiyo • Marakwet • Sabaot/Kony • Pokots/Suk • Terik • Ogiek/Dorobo • Tugen (Samor, Eldorais, Lembus,Pokor keben,Aror) • Sengwer/Cherangany The above are in Kenya while in Tanzania consists of: • Barabaek • Tatireek • Hilbangrangaek • Sonjoek • Sirikwaek (Sindawi) • Nataeek) • Badyut • Tatogaeek In Sudan are Morule among others while in Uganda are Sebei or Kipsabiny among others. The word or term ‘Kalenjin’ was coined by earlier scholars of the tribe during 1940s probably at Alliance High school. This is because all the sub tribes of Kalenjin always utter the word ‘Kaleeii’ meaning ‘I say or l say to you’, before uttering or saying any word. Thus the word ‘kaleeii’ is common to all of the sub-tribe hence Kalenjin collectively.Earlier the colonialist used to refer to all k...


1. Ndiema 2. Ndiwa 3. Ngeywo 4. Naibei 5. Masai 6. Matui 7. Temko 8. Tamnai The above listed names are the ones holding the uniqueness of the Sabaot community. One cannot find these names in other highland nilote communities other than Chitaab kooret community herself. They are the ancestral of all names owned by Sabaots. Kaynook che tooloyech miisin!

Buusyek or Mnyeet

Kayii ntoo meenyo kang'aab buusyek kerebeet! Am sorry for Nandis. To them 'Nandis' [I don't know how Kipsigisyek and all other highland nilote groups call] buusyek is something else which cannot be mentioned publicly anyhowly. But according to Chitaab kooret, flour is what we call buusyek or mnyeet! #SebeiNation