The Sabaot sub-ethnic of the Kalenjin group (tribe) in Mount Elgon , Trans-Nzoia and Sebei Districts, occupy over half of
Mount Elgon and its surrounding areas. They are to be found not only in Kenya , but also in Eastern Uganda and beyond. The language spoken by the Sabaot is one of the Southern Nilotic (Kalenjin) languages. Their history of immigration dates back to the spread of the Kalenjin people a thousand of years from a place called Misri in the north to Kitale Plateau, Sebei and Bungoma Districts. The Sabaot clans make a ring around the mountain.The spread of Sabaot around the mountain partly explains the resilience of their culture, despite the immense in-migration of the Bantu tribes (Bagisu and Bukusu) and European white settlers and eventual eviction from their homelands in Bungoma and Kitale Plateau. The later was renamed Trans-Nzoia District by the Colonial Government.
The Sabaot people have traditionally kept animals (cattle goats and sheep ) which are often essential for survival. The cow has played a particular important role in the history of the Sabaot people since it was valued in traditional ceremonies, for its blood as well as milk, meat and hides.
The most respected person in Sabaot society is an elder or boontet ab kook and especially one that has become wealthy with time and is a leader in the community.
To reach this highest state a male has to go through the following stages:

1) young men between 14-25 years old are initiated and taken through an instructional lesson to learn how to look after cattle care for the household build a house and how to relate to others in the family and community. When the young man is able to do this things independently, he can request for circumcision from the father. If the father agrees, he is circumcised.

2) the second stage include the circumcision rite which enables young men to be considered adults

3) a young man is not considered to have reached manhood until he’s married and established his own home and has children.

4) the most respected men distinguish themselves from the other by their generosity and hospitality along with their ability to give good advice and their honesty. But it is generally recognized that these good traits can not be displayed without material so the most respected men are also those with wealth so the respected men are also those with wealth whichis defined in form of wives, children, cattle, land, ability to raise money through cash crops, shops, wholesale businesses etc.
Sabaot culture has changed because of outside contact.For instance only 50% of every 3 men marry more than one wife.The younger generation are less frequently marrying more than one wife. High bride prices, negotiated between the members of the two families are still required.Female circumcision is till felt to be necessary.Girls choose to be circumcised between the ages of 16 and 25.
The Sabaot have a reputation as a people very conservative of their culture and who despite massive land alienation and dispersal, have continued to preserve their ethno-biodiversity at a greater prize. On the other hand, they are the most welcoming and represent a community that has given hospitality to a diverse immigrant populations in Kenya . Their culture has retained certain distinct traits despite undergoing a lot of stress and pressure.
The Sabaot have a tradition of loving peace.However, when neighboring tribescome to their territory to raid their animals, the Sabaot think it necessary to defend themselves. The agricultural Bantu Bukusu from eastern Uganda and southern Mount Elgon , desiring more land, also put pressure on the Sabaot people to move up the mountain escarpment and the white settler in present Trans-Nzoia district.
The Sabaot people are also proud of their cultural heritage and language.The elders feel that many young people are losing this heritage so they feel a strong need for the younger generation to be taught both the language and the culture. The present innovators are those who have lived outside the areas for many years.When they return to the mountain, they bring new things and new ideas which the young people often quickly accept.However, older people change slowly and complain that new ideas are ruining Sabaot traditional practices and life styles.
The Sabaot have had a tradition of worshipping the Creator God, Yeyiin and venerating their ancestors.Their religious activities include occasions when the entire community sacrifice an animal for
koroseek peace offering to Yeyiin .This is done during transitions, movements and calamities.
Because the majority of the Sabaot preferred to live on the mountain and continue their traditional way of living, the coming of the white men did little to change their lives.Though changes have slowly come to the community, even totally the Sabaot people have had very limited educational opportunities.While other areas have benefited from mission schools and the development projects of Christian organizations, this area has often gone without.
Along with the keeping of domestic animals, the Sabaot people grow maize and beans, millet, sorghum, bananas and sweet potatoes.Coffee, tea, pyrethrum, tomatoes, cabbages and onions are also grown.Most families divide their time between keeping domestic animals and growing crops.Those who do not have good land wholly depend on their domestic animals to earn money, while those with good land earn money through raising and selling crops.
Any small excess of crops grown by the Sabaot people and not needed by their families is usually sold in markets,Men’s work is to cultivate land and build houses, women’s work is to care for the children, fetch water, collect fire wood and cook for the family.Farming and weeding crops is everybody’s work.People often work together and exchange labour.Some who lack money will give their labour as a form of payment but this common for the Bukusu laborers. Young girls normally help their mothers in domestic work after school while the boys take care of the animals.Generally Sabaot women have very little time to rest.
Given this cultural wealth, the Sabaot would provide immense resources for the creation of a cultural centre. The Sabaot Cultural Promoters concept is to capsulate various aspects of the Sabaot culture and present it within the confines of a village called the Sabaot Cultural Centre.

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Have a blessed  my people.

